About me

I'm a signal/image processing engineer passionate about biometrics. I have an 80/20% time split between my main job and personal projects/research.
As for the 80% part, I work for Smart Eye as a Senior Engineer focused on Iris Recognition. I work on the holistic system, dealing with the high-level optical system design and algorithm development of image processing and pattern recognition modules. Here, I filed four patents on optics-based liveness detection (pending).
The rest of my time, I do my best to keep the research I started with my PhD alive. This has focused on Biometric Cryptosystems. My PhD thesis, "Anonymous Biometrics", was awarded the EAB Best Biometric Research 2020.
Although I have been working on biometrics since my Bachelor's, I have had the opportunity to work in entirely orthogonal fields (that's the beauty of signal processing). Specifically, I worked on advanced ultrasonic beamforming methods and on the analysis of cross-platform social media attacks. Check the blog for some context on these topics.


In this section, I present a few selected projects I have been involved in. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).

Iris Recognition

Unlinkable Zero-Leakage Biometric Cryptosystem

Real Time DMAS Beamforming

Measuring Hate on the Web: 4chan /pol/

Minutiae Triple Correlation

Coming soon.

3D Ultrasonic Imaging of the Hand

Coming soon.